Horiver-TR Blue sticky PE traps


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Estimated local delivery time between 11am to 3pm.

General information

When to use Horiver-TR.?

Use Horiver-TR. to monitor and trap thrips.

How does Horiver-TR. work?

Sticky traps are essential in the detection and partial elimination of many species of flying pests in greenhouses. Sticky traps make it possible to detect pests at an early stage and then use biological measures to combat them. This prevents unnecessary applications of chemicals.

Moreover, counting the captured insects on the sticky traps on a regular basis makes clear when pests are present in the greenhouse, how fast their population is developing, and when their population is likely to reach its peak. In this way the grower is much better prepared for potential threats.

Horiver-TR. (small) has a grid which makes counting easier, small holes that make it easier to hang the traps.

Package: 25 x 10 cm. 8 double-sided + 2 one-sided sticky traps.