Dramm Autofog Mini W / SS Nozzle


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The Dramm Mini Autofog is an easy to use, low- volume chemical applicator designed with smaller greenhouses in mind. The MLVH can treat 5,000 sq. ft. automatically without an operator present. It can easily apply a wide variety of chemical formulations using a highly concentrated spray solution. A specially designed nozzle generates billions of micro-particles (0.05 - 10.0 microns) that ll the en- tire treatment area with active chemical. These tiny particles ensure complete and even coverage of all plant surfaces. This “low-volume” method of applying chemical solutions eliminates costly run-off and reduces the amount of chemical needed.


  • Tank size: 8L
  • Agitation: Electro-mechanical (60 rpm)
  • Operating pressure: 21 psi
  • Adjustable nozzle height: 5-7 ft
  • Standard treatment area: Up to 5000 sq.ft.
  • Nozzle: Air atomizing, outputs 8L/4hrs
  • Voltage: 110V
  • Dimensions: 10" (W) x 5-7 ft (H)
  • Shipping weight: 83 lbs